Charting a song in the streaming age, is it still working?
Streaming nowadays is essential, but only relying on distribution channels such as streaming platforms could be limiting for an artist. Diversifying your audience is immensely helpful for a career.
I really wanted to make my cheesy dream come true and become a Sailor Moon
They didn't want me there because I was too honest and it wasn't even because of my abilities, but because of my character. I was never settling for what they wanted me to do, you know. I never wanted to be an underdog.
All the fun of the fair, Boys Noize flips Promiseland's Take Down The House
International beat maker Boys Noize has added his spin on Promiseland's Grand Theft Auto V anthem Take Down.
Strike up the band
I would say the main challenge was the hide-and-seek game and managing to raise my voice louder than the general cacophony but I can shout pretty loud, to be honest, it's kind of my job
The internet is changing how Hip hop is produced and consumed
Creative people just wanna focus on that creative energy and release art without getting sucked into targeted ads and all that bollocks.
Adventures in the 5th dimension
we keep breaking the atoms and are left empty-handed; there is no matter, just energy, with no time, space or any other kind of boundaries.
Wake up, babe, the Internet dropped another Drake meme
The most loved songs by fans nowadays are also the ones that are the easiest to share and reshare online and artists are tapping into it with executives asking, "Is it memeable?"
Why the Gods hate Colossus
It seems like the London based band have resurrected from life’s anomalies to bring back what disguises itself as a strong bond between two old friends.